Episode 5: The Power of Mindset

Growth Mindset is defined as the belief that you can control your ability and improve. The power of mindset is huge within a classroom. How do you demonstrate it for your students?
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Growth Mindset is defined as the belief that you can control your ability and improve. The power of mindset is huge within a classroom. How do you demonstrate it for your students?

Listen to this episode here:

Show Notes:

Mindset is everything. Having a growth mindset is the highest value. Ask any of my friends…I will throw out a “yet” anytime some uses a closed or fixed mindset. Growth mindset is the belief that you can control your ability and can improve.

What does this have to do with being a teacher?  being a parent? being in the classroom?

1. Power of Yet

Using the word “yet” teaches your brain that even if you don’t have the ability currently, you can do it in the future. Don’t limit your brain or yourself. There is already so much negativity in the world. Don’t add to it by telling yourself what you can’t do. 

2. Failure is an opportunity to grow.

Failure and getting back up or learning why it was wrong leads to resilience and success. Thomas Edison (yes, I know…I said Thomas Jefferson in the episode. Oops!), when asked about creating the light bulb, said he found 99 ways to not create a light bulb. And that led him to finding the 1 way to make a working light bulb. Failure is not the opposite to success. It can be a hindrance or a stepping stone to success. 


3. Positive Mindset

Having a positive mindset is a learned skill. 

DISCLAIMER: I am not saying that we need to be overly positive about EVERYTHING. Nobody needs toxic positivity. That will do more harm than good. It’s about finding a balance of understanding that your feelings are valid but not wallowing in negativity.

About Me

Hi! I’m Johanna Kuiper. 

As a middle school math teacher, my goal is to help your students gain confidence in their math abilities. And to help you do that too.

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