Episode 4: Five Ideas to Increase Student Engagement

Being an effective teacher is more than being good at your subject. It is about engaging students and helping them want to learn. Here are the 5 main things to get students to buy-in.

Listen to this episode on these platforms

Five Ideas to Increase Student Engagement

1. Mic Check


2. Celebrations

How to make the Fireworks Celebrations: LINK


3. Sticks of Fate

Teach like a Champion by Doug Lemov

4. Turn & Talk

5. Exit Directions

ENVOY: Educational Non-Verbal Yardsticks by Michael Grinder

Exit Directions

About Me

Hi! I’m Johanna Kuiper. 

As a middle school math teacher, my goal is to help your students gain confidence in their math abilities. And to help you do that too.

Read Miss Kuiper's Classroom Blog
Solving for the Undefined Podcast

Struggling with planning your math unit? Here's a guide that has it all!