
Summer Reading List for Middle School Teachers

It seems that summer time is the only time I make reading a priority. Here's the books I prioritized and…

2 years ago

Here’s How Building a Classroom Economy Changed My Class

In today's episode, I dive into everything I did in my classroom economy. I share what I liked, what I…

2 years ago

The Ideal Group Size for Your Secondary Math Classroom

How should you group your students? Pairs? Quads? Trios? Backed by research, find out the ideal group size for your…

3 years ago

How to Use Whiteboards in the Secondary Math Classroom

Curious how you can use whiteboards in the secondary math classroom? In today's show, I will share how to use…

3 years ago

Ways to Easily Scaffold Geometric Transformations for Better Understanding

Here's how you can easily scaffold geometric transformations for better understanding! We'll break down each of the rigid transformations.

3 years ago

Scaffolding Solving Equations for True Understanding

Do your students actually know how to solve for x? Or are they regurgitating a set of steps? Being sure…

3 years ago

Team Roles & Fast Finishers

Are you curious how to balance a classroom that has fast finished and struggling students? Tune in to find out…

3 years ago

An Astounding First Day of School in Four Steps

The first day of school can be daunting as a teacher! In today's episode, I walk through the 4 Phases…

3 years ago

How does Growth Mindset Impact Learning?

How does growth mindset actually impact learning? Read the neuroscience behind growth mindset and how it ties into learning.

3 years ago

How do We Actually Learn?

How does our brain actually learn? This is a question that educators need to know the answer to. Are we…

3 years ago